Agency News


March 1, 2021

The following list was developed to assist in securing a COVID vaccine. The State of Missouri has established guidelines on prioritizing populations to be vaccinated. Adults with developmental disabilities are in the vaccine category of 1B. Many locations are starting to provide vaccines for this category.

You can register at each site. Each provider has a survey you need to complete; this does not guarantee when you get a vaccine, but does provide a way for them to contact you for an appointment when doses are available.

  • Register at
    • In a joint effort to simplify the vaccination process, Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services (PHHS), Boone Hospital Center and MU Health Care have partnered to combine their COVID vaccine surveys into one centralized survey.
    • If you need assistance with filling out the survey, please call 573-771-CARE (2273).

Another option to obtain a vaccine is to enroll in a vaccination event coordinated by Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services:  Events are posted periodically, so it is recommended you check frequently.

Boone County residents who are Phase 1B – Tier 2 can call 573-874-2489 to express their interest in getting an in-home vaccination and share their contact information.

While PHHS is not requiring residents documentation of them being homebound, PHHS is going off of Medicare’s classification of homebound:

  1. Individuals who need help of another person or medical equipment such as crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair to leave your home, or your doctor believes that your health or illness could get worse if you leave your home.
  2. Individuals who have difficulty leaving home and typically cannot do so.

PHHS says in-home vaccinations can begin as early as when the shipments of the vaccines arrive. PHHS members will contact individuals who have called to get on the list for in-home vaccinations.

UPDATE: Family Caregivers are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

A recent clarification of eligibility criteria states, “Family caregivers often serve in the role of an unpaid healthcare worker, providing in-home care to those at an increased risk for severe illness as a result of COVID-19. These family and household members serve in a role to meet the daily care needs of an adult unable to complete those tasks independently or for a child with specialized medical needs. As unpaid healthcare providers, these caregivers are currently eligible to receive the vaccine.” To read about the eligibility requirements, please visit the State of Missouri’s COVID vaccination website at