Become a Provider
Thank you for your interest in joining the Boone County Family Resources network of service providers. Services are individually planned on the basis of teamwork, including the person served, to help them make informed choices and to secure the most appropriate services. Through the efforts of our contracted providers, we deliver an array of supportive and specialized services designed to enable clients to live in the community in their own homes or with their families.
Are you a service provider and interested in working with us?
During the last year, BCFR has served more than 2,000 persons in Boone County with developmental disabilities.
The electronic billing and all required progress notes, attached to the billing calendar in the SETWorks software program, shall be submitted in its entirety by 5:00pm on the 5th of the month to be processed for payment the same month. If this is not met, payment will be processed the following month. If the 5th lands on the weekend or holiday in which our office is closed, we will honor payment for submissions received by 5:00pm the following business day.
You can view authorizations in future months, but remember the authorized individuals and units are never guaranteed. Services can be cancelled prior to the start of the month. You can submit your billing anytime during the month of service. You can only bill once for each month/service. If you are missing an individual, an increase is in process, or billing is not complete, DO NOT submit billing.
For providers who bill per session, semester or similar: You may bill on any date on the calendar for the month in which the service starts. Pay careful attention to the calculated billed amount in the usage information, as you may need to bill a “1” in some cases or a dollar amount in other cases.
Payments are mailed on the 20th of each month. If the 20th lands on a weekend or holiday in which our office is closed, payment will be mailed out the business day before.
Fill out the form here.
For questions regarding SETWorks billing/payment:
For questions regarding SETWorks login:
For questions regarding contract(s):
You can only bill once for each month/service. If you are missing an individual or an increase is in process, DO NOT submit billing. Contact the individual’s Coordinator, wait until the change is made, then submit all at once in order to prevent delay in payment. Please check your authorization at or before the beginning of the authorization period. All services must be billed through the SETWorks software program.
To request payment, an individual must attend at least one class in the session. For example, if the class meets once per week, you can bill if the individual has attended one or more weeks. If an individual missed all the classes, you are unable to request payment. It is recommended that providers reach out to participants to verify they know they class meeting dates/times and location; especially when the individual misses the initial class. If an individual has concerns with participating, please recommend they contact their Coordinator. Providers may wish to establish a policy related to “no-shows”. We recommend this is communicated to the individual/family at the time or registration.
Once you receive your check, you can log into SETWorks and open the billings by selecting the dropdown arrow. You can see the individuals that were billed and if the Status is “Paid” these individuals were paid on the check. This section will also show you dollar amounts paid per individual.