On a recent sunny afternoon, members of BCFR’s Life & Work Connections landscaping crew pulled on work gloves and dug in. The trio of young landscapers planted vegetables and a few Gerber daisies in the agency’s children’s garden.
If all goes as planned, peppers should be ripening on the vine in a few weeks.
The Life & Work Connections program supports young adults with developmental disabilities in choosing where to live and work by providing them with on-the-job training and experience. The landscaping crew is just one of the intensive vocational training programs designed to teach participants the skills they will need to find and retain jobs in the community.
Participants are paid minimum wage and generally work part-time. The program is aimed only toward participants seeking community employment. If you’d like to learn more about the Life & Work Connections program, contact Mark Satterwhite, Director of Life & Work Connections at msatterwhite@bcfr.or or call (573) 874-1995.
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