Brianna is a 30-year-old woman who lives in Columbia with her family. Brianna has been a client of BCFR since 2000; graduating from Rock Bridge High School in June 2003 with a dream of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). Following her high school graduation, Brianna did not participate in any structured day time activity and spent much of her time at home. Recognizing the need for assistance, Brianna requested independent living skills training and assistance with finding employment, services available through the Community Support Medicaid Home and Community based Waiver.
When traditional job development services were not successful in assisting Brianna, she was referred to Life & Work Connections for vocational training. Brianna’s support team recommended she participate on the Janitorial Crew at BCFR. This experience assisted Brianna in establishing a routine of productive activity, learn work skills and begin to think about her future careers goals.
In January 2013, Brianna decided to turn her focus to her dream of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). With her Community Skills Specialist, Brianna attended an informational meeting with the Columbia Career Center. In February 2013, Brianna began coursework to become a CNA. BCFR assists her with Purchased Transportation to get to and from her classes as her mother works full time. In conjunction with her CNA classes, Brianna also participates in the Transition Network’s Professional Development class offered through Life & Work Connections. These classes assist her in gaining skills for job searching, interviewing and learning workplace practices to maintain employment.
Brianna’s hard work, and the supports provided by BCFR, have made her dream of becoming a CNA a reachable goal!