Agency News

Medicaid Waiver Wait List

January 6, 2020
A young woman staring out a window.

Department of Mental Health
Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver Wait List

Frequently Asked Questions

The MO Department of Mental Health has implemented a waitlist for the Medicaid Home and Community base waiver programs. Individuals served by BCFR and their families have been affected by the wait list, which has prevented them from having access to needed services. Below are some of the questions we have been asked by individuals and families about the wait list.

Why is there now a waitlist for services?

The Department of Mental Health announced that effective July 1, 2019 a waitlist would be implemented. This is because the Missouri State Legislature did not approve enough funding in the budget to keep people off waiting lists.

What can I do to advocate for myself or my loved ones?

If you would like to reach out to your state representative or senator to educate them on how being on a Medicaid Waiver waitlist affects you and your family, go to Type in your address under “Find Your Representative” to locate the legislators that represent your district. Invite them to meet your family and see how the lack of critically needed services has affected your life. Tell them your story and how being on a waitlist affects you and your loved ones you may wish to ask for their support in restoring funding to the Department of Mental Health, Division of Develop-mental Disabilities budget in order to eliminate the waitlist.

Are there other advocacy efforts occurring in the state?

Leaders across the state are continuing to educate legislators on the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Opportunities are offered to visit both agencies and individuals in order to truly understand the impact of not receiving services.