By Mark Satterwhite
This summer, the agency’s Life & Work Connections program is piloting Career Connections, a summer work experience program for high school students between their junior and senior high school years. The plan is to link six eligible students with local businesses, where they will work part time from June 11 to July 20. To be eligible, students must be currently served by Boone County Family Resources, and be determined eligible for the work experience program by the Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR). They must have had no prior competitive work experience – the intent of the program is to support students in beginning their work histories.
Once determined eligible and referred by VR, students are hired by Life & Work Connections, who is the employer of record. Based on their individual interests, they are linked to businesses who agree to host them for the summer work experience. Agency staff will help them get settled in their jobs and provide support and consultation behind the scenes. Business hosts will mentor participants as they would a new employee, so the experience is as close as possible to an employer/employee relationship – however we cover the cost of wages, taxes, and worker’s compensation.
Community Skills Specialist Sarah Branch is currently reaching out to potential business hosts. If you know business owners who might be willing to host a student and help build capable workers for the future, please refer them to Sarah, at 874-1995 extension 315.