Agency News

BCFR Reading Days

July 3, 2019
BCFR staff enjoyed reading to students and spreading autism awareness.
Staff enjoyed reading to students at various elementary schools throughout Boone County to spread autism awareness on the first BCFR reading day.

Every April, the United Nations-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd kicks off the Autism Speaks campaign, Light It Up blue (LIUB).  In support of autism awareness, people all over the world turn the color blue into a symbol representing support of the autism spectrum disorder. From the White House lighting up blue to elementary students sporting blue apparel, the color blue becomes a sign to show support of people living with autism.

The Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders spearheaded local efforts including a variety of events and activities. Boone County Family Resources participated in the LIUB campaign by organizing the first annual BCFR reading days throughout the month of April. Staff went to local schools to share information on our services and the autism spectrum disorder by reading books on disability awareness. To focus on autism awareness, staff read the book, All My Stripes, a book about Zane the zebra and his unique autism stripe or Nathans’ Autism Superpowers to various classes at local schools including: Hallsville Elementary and Primary, Southern Boone Elementary, Our Lady of Lourdes Interparish School, and 8 CPS elementary schools. Both books were donated to each school library from BCFR.

Staff read to 85 classes and a total of approximately 1,870 students! Staff also passed out a reading list created by Daniel Boone Regional Library specifically for the event that gave parents an idea of other books on disability awareness and autism awareness that can be checked out from our local library, and left packets of information with our services and contact information.

Staff enjoyed reading to the students and also the interesting questions posed by the young audience.  

If you are interested in having a reading day at your school, please contact Amy Parris at